
You Are the Love Of My Life: 32 Little Things He Does That Tell You “I Love You “

21. Asks about your day and listens carefully 

22. He does something he doesn’t like just to spend more time with you

23. He plans some activity that includes your family

24. He surprises you with something small but meaningful

25. He rents a chick flick because he knows you like it

26. He asks what you feel like eating before ordering

man wearing blue shirt

27. He offers to give you a ride to the girl’s night out

28. He lets you shower first

29. He makes a hot bath when he knows you’ve had a stressful day 

man in brown suit jacket

30. He pays attention to what is important to you

31. Takes photos of the two of you, so have it for a good memory

32. He kisses you in front of your friends or family, just to see you smile


grayscale photo of woman in black sleeveless top

Three Types of The Breakup And How To Get Over It

Kate Moss will testify in Johnny Depp, Amber Heard trial on Wednesday