
You Are the Love Of My Life: 32 Little Things He Does That Tell You “I Love You “

12. He records your favorite TV show, so you watch it together later 

13. He includes your relative into your plans and makes time for them

14. He lets you choose the music while you drive somewhere

man in brown crew neck shirt

15. He helps you with your work you have more time together

16. He buys you something, so you know he thinks of you

17. He makes you breakfast and brings it to your bed

man wearing eyeglasses

18. He stays awake longer so you can watch a movie you like together

19. He asks for your opinion about something important

20. He fills the tank of your car

grayscale photo of woman in black sleeveless top

Three Types of The Breakup And How To Get Over It

Kate Moss will testify in Johnny Depp, Amber Heard trial on Wednesday